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网站更新 - 电子季刊
Web Site Contents Updated - E-Mag

首頁 Home >  長生學簡介 About Longivitology  >  魏老师后记 Master Wei Epilogue
魏老师后记 (Master Wei Epilogue)
| 長生學簡介 (About Longevitology) | 長生學宗旨 (Purpose of Longevitology) |
| 長生學背景 (Longevitology Background) | 长生学的由来 (The Emergence of Longivitology) |
| 始祖爷 (Founder) | 为何不收学费 (Why no tuition fee) | 魏老师后记 (Master Wei Epilogue) |
| 成长及未来 (Growth and Future) | 科学的印证 | Scientific Experiment |
老师介绍 About Teacher | 魏裕峰 老師 | 林子珍 老師 | 献词 | SPEECHES |

由于社会上或网路上有许多人不明白长生学的由来与背景, 难免以讹传讹,甚至故意造谣破坏“长生学”的团体。 所以魏裕峰老师认为有必要将长生学一路艰辛走过来的遭遇说出,以诓正视听,以免让错误信息,污染人心。

以上种种澄清真相, 魏裕峰老师也特别声明,绝对负责言论上的法律责任,也对得起历史和良心。

An Epilogue of Master Wei

As many people in the society or over the internet do not understand the origin and background of Longevitology, it is inevitable that they would pile errors on top of errors or even intentionally spreading rumours to wreck Longevitology organization. Thus, Master Wei considers it necessary to spell out all encountering accompanying the long difficult path that Longevitology has travelled through. To straighten all the facts and put everything in its correct perspective are necessary in order to prevent incorrect information and news from contaminating the heart of people.

For the above clarification and true picture given, Master Wei would like to make this special statement that he accepts full legal responsibility/liability for opinion expressed or made. Furthermore, he can face history with no shame and his conscience can be answered.