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首頁 Home >  長生學簡介 About Longivitology  >  为何不收学费 Why no tuition fee
为何不收学费 (Why no tuition fee)
| 長生學簡介 (About Longevitology) | 長生學宗旨 (Purpose of Longevitology) |
| 長生學背景 (Longevitology Background) | 长生学的由来 (The Emergence of Longivitology) |
| 始祖爷 (Founder) | 为何不收学费 (Why no tuition fee) | 魏老师后记 (Master Wei Epilogue) |
| 成长及未来 (Growth and Future) | 科学的印证 | Scientific Experiment |
老师介绍 About Teacher | 魏裕峰 老師 | 林子珍 老師 | 献词 | SPEECHES |


因为早在三十多年前帮人治病时,看到许多病人因生病要找医生买药,而变得生活压力及负担更重,哪还有多余的钱 去支付学费。

两位老师坚持不收费是希望贫穷的人,或者经济压力比较重的病人,都有机会学到“长生学”。希望他们学了以后就能 够帮助自己,提升自己健康,就能改善生活品质,让他们的家庭,社会更美满。

另一个更重要的原因就是宇宙的能量就是一种爱、一种慈悲。人若是能具有慈悲心,爱心,就会无我无私的奉献, 就与任何人、团体、众生万物没有界限,相等于上天对我们的爱是同样频率,如此才能够接纳及导引更好,上天赐给我们 的宇宙能量。因此,老师也要求学员学会了以后, 帮助病患也不可以跟人收钱或红包。

魏老师特别补充接受宇宙的能量,最主要是在“心”。如果心变质了,引导的能量也会变质,就好像虑水器的虑心一样, 如果虑心是干净的,过滤出来的水就会是干净; 同理的, 如果虑心是肮脏的,再干净的水经过也会变肮脏的水。

Why Longevitology Masters do not charge tuition fee?

As far back as more than thirty(30) years ago when helping people to heal their illnesses, Masters Lin and Wei witnessed that many patients because of seeing doctors and paying for their medicines cost, pressure and burden of life became excessively heavy. Thus, it usually left them with only very little, if any, money to pay for their tuition fees.

The two Masters insisting not to charge any fee are hoping that those poor and/or economically heavy burdened patients would also have an opportunity to learn ‘Longevitology’. They wish that after they have learnt this technique they would be able to help themselves to upgrade the level of health individually. This would in turn improves their quality of life and finally allow their families and society to become happier.

Another more important reason is: universal energy is a kind of love, a kind of mercy. Should one be equipped with merciful and loving heart he/she would devote oneself selflessly. Then, he or she will have no boundary with any person, any group, and all beings and things as a whole. This would be equaled to the celestial love with similar frequency. It is under such a situation will ‘interception, absorption and direction” of god gifted universal energy be better. Thus, the teacher/coach would require all learners upon graduation to help ailing population without collecting any fee.

Master Wei specially added that to receive universal energy, the most important thing is the ‘Heart’. Should the quality of the heart be changed so is the quality of energy directed into the body. It is just like the filter core centre of a water filter. If the core centre is clean so will be filtered water. For similar reason, if the core centre were to be filthy the no matter how clean is the water passing through the core, the final filtered water emerged from the filtering apparatus will turn filthy for sure.