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网站更新 - 电子季刊
Web Site Contents Updated - E-Mag

首頁 Home >  長生學簡介 About Longevitology  >  長生學宗旨 Purpose of Longevitology
長生學宗旨 (Purpose of Longevitology)
| 長生學簡介 (About Longevitology) | 長生學宗旨 (Purpose of Longevitology) |
| 長生學背景 (Longevitology Background) | 长生学的由来 (The Emergence of Longivitology) |
| 始祖爷 (Founder) | 为何不收学费 (Why no tuition fee) | 魏老师后记 (Master Wei Epilogue) |
| 成长及未来 (Growth and Future) | 科学的印证 | Scientific Experiment |
老师介绍 About Teacher | 魏裕峰 老師 | 林子珍 老師 | 献词 | SPEECHES |


** Saving People with Benevolence and Compassion **

秉持着爱心﹑耐心﹑关心与慈悲心为理念﹐僅遵不求名利﹑不求回報﹑無私欲﹑無貪念的原則﹐ 仅遵不求名利﹑不求回报﹑ 无私欲﹑无贪念的原则﹐奉行人生以服務為目的之精神﹐ 奉行人生以服务为目的之精神﹐貢獻出一己對社會的愛與關懷﹐ 贡献出一己对社会的爱与关怀﹐期能對此拋磚引玉﹐啟發人性的善良面﹐ 期能对此抛砖引玉﹐启发人性的善良面﹐使我們的 家庭更幸福﹑社會更祥和﹑國家更強盛﹑生命更健康。 使我们的家庭更幸福﹑社会更祥和﹑国家更强盛﹑生命更健康。

Equip yourself with the motive of love, patience, concern, and compassion; follow the principles of avoidance of desires for fame, gain, and reward; remain devoid of personal passion and greed; uphold the spirit that the purpose of life is to serve others; and contribute our love and concern for our society, with the faith that these endeavors will help develop the finer and kinder side of human nature, thus enabling our families to become happier, our society more harmonized, our country stronger, and humans healthier.